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Doctor of economic sciences, professor,
head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics |
Teaching: 1995-2000 – Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Faculty of Economics, specialty “Finance”, higher education. Certification training: 2003 – defense of a candidate’s thesis on the topic “Modeling the standard of living of the population in the conditions of a transformational economy” with a specialty 08.03.02 – economic and mathematical modeling at the Kyiv National University of Economics; 2010 – planned scientific internship at the Ivan Franko Lviv National University at the Department of Economic Cybernetics; 2014 – defense of a doctoral dissertation on the topic “Models of spatial and structural differentiation of the population’s monetary income” with a specialty 08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics at the Kharkiv National University of Economics named after S. Kuznets; 2017 – scientific internship at the Research Institute of Transformation Problems in the Baltic Economic Space in Riga (Latvia) on the topic “Innovative educational technologies: experience of the European Union countries and its implementation in the training of specialists in economics and management”; 2019 – planned scientific internship at Ivan Franko Lviv National University at the Department of Economic Cybernetics on the topic “Innovative approaches to the development of regions as centers of knowledge creation”. Professional activity: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: 2001-2003 – assistant of the department of economic cybernetics; 2003-2014 – associate professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics; 2014-2017 – professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics; 2017 and now – the head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics. SCIENTIFIC WORK: 1) Scientific publications in periodicals that are included in the scientometric databases recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science, in particular Scopus and Web of Science Core Collection; 2) Monographs: 3) More than 100 scientific publications in scientific publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine. 4) Participation in scientific international and Ukrainian conferences. 5) Academic guidance of applicants who have received a document on the award of a scientific degree. 6) Performing the functions of a member of the editorial board of the collection of scientific works “Modeling of the regional economy” (deputy editor-in-chief), the scientific journal “Economic Problems”, the scientific journal “Business Inform”. 7) Participation in the certification of scientific workers as an official opponent. 8) Participation in research topics of the Department of Economic Cybernetics. EDUCATIONAL AND METHODOLOGICAL WORK 1) Conducting lectures and practical classes in the disciplines “Economic Modeling”, “Economic-Mathematical Modeling Methodology”, “Macroeconomic Process Modeling”, “Optimization Methods and Models”, etc.; development of educational and methodical content for lectures, practical and laboratory classes. 2) Management of master’s and bachelor’s theses in the specialty of Economics. 3) Preparation for participation in scientific conferences of students majoring in Economics. 4) Management of the student who took the first prize at the first stage of the Ukrainian competition for student scientific works – the second place was won by the student of the “Economics” specialty of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Viktoria Leskiv, with the scientific paper “Production management models of enterprises of the forestry complex”. ORGANIZATIONAL WORK 1) Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. 2) Deputy chairman of the specialized academic council D 20.051.12 at the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses in the specialties 08.00.05 “Development of productive forces and regional economy”, 08.00.11 ” Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics”. 3) Performing the functions of the deputy editor-in-chief of the collection of scientific works “Modeling of the regional economy”. 4) Co-organizer of the International Scientific and Practical Conferences LANGUAGE SKILLS: Ukrainian, Polish, English. Monographs: Dmytryshyn L.I. Analysis of the effectiveness of the allocation of credit resources of the banking system of Ukraine / L.I. Dmytryshyn, I.I. Blagun // Applied aspects of modeling of social and economic systems: monograph / Ed. V.S. Ponomarenko, T.S. Klebanova. – Berdyansk: Publisher Tkachuk A.V., 2015. – P. 398-415. Main articles: Other articles: Analysis and justification of indicators for measuring inequality in income distribution / I.S. Blagun, L.I. Dmytryshyn // Actual problems of economy. – 2013. – № 4 (142). – P. 192–201. http://eco-science.net/archive2013/251–4142.html Scopus Conceptual approach to modeling of spatial-structural differentiation of monetary incomes of the population / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Actual problems of economy. – 2013. – № 6 (144). – P. 114–122. http://eco-science.net/archive2013/255–6144.html Scopus- Models of regional competitiveness – presents a model of the gravitational determination of the potential of regional competitiveness. The main use of the model is to determine the potential competitive regional centers and evaluating the impact of these centers on the existing socio-economic system. Spatial interpretation of the potential of regional competitiveness on the basis of the gravitational model / I.S. Blagun, L.I. Дмитришин, А.В. Katsedan // Actual problems of economy. – 2014. – № 8 (158). – P. 411-418. http://eco-science.net/archive2014/320–8158.html Scopus- Models of the banking system functioning – a model for ensuring the allocation efficiency of credit resources of the banking system of Ukraine is proposed. A set of indicators for assessing the creditworthiness of the borrower. The optimal loan portfolio of the banking system is constructed and the actual loan portfolios are compared with the optimal ones with the help of similarity metrics. Methodological Approach To Development And Optimization A Set Of Parameters For A Company’s Creditworthiness Evaluating / Dmytryshyn L., Blahun I. // Економічний часопис. – 2014. – № 7-8 (2). – С. 52-55. http://soskin.info/en/ea/2014/7-8/contents_40.html Scopus A model for achieving the allocative efficiency of credit resources in Ukraine’s banking system / Dmytryshyn L., Blahun I. // Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2016, Р. 6-14. http://businessperspectives.org/component/option,com_journals/task,issue/id,361/jid,6/Itemid,74/ Scopus- Models of analysis and evaluation of investment processes – to analyze and evaluate the investment processes in the regions of Ukraine, it is suggested to use a simulative model that, unlike existing ones, allows to take into account the influence of macroeconomic factors and to predict the future development of the economic system of the regions taking into account their investment potential. Simulative model for evaluation of investment processes in the regions of Ukraine / I. Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. – 2017. – № 14(3), 322-329. doi:http://10.21511/imfi.14(3-2).2017.032016 Scopus Cognitive approach to analysis of investment attractiveness of the regions / I. Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Scientific Bulletin of Polissya. – Chernihiv: ChNTU, 2017. – № 4(12). – №.1. – С. 171-176. Web of Science– Models of economic development of regions – the features of innovative approach to economic development of regions in the context of obtaining sustainable competitive advantage and strengthening of positions of regions on the international arena. The analysis of the innovativeness level of the regions’ development was carried out and the methodical approach for determining the degree of innovation effectiveness was proposed. Innovations as a priority factor of the regional economic development / L. Dmytryshyn, O. Zvarych // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – Latvia, 2018. – Vol. 4 – Issue. 2 – P. 70-77. Web of Science Dmytryshyn L.I. Conceptual approach to modeling the spatial-structural differentiation of monetary income of the population / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Current economic problems. – Kyiv, 2013. – No. 6(144). – P. 114-122. http://eco-science.net/archive2013/255–6144.html (in Scopus) Dmytryshyn L.I. Modeling of operational risk assessment of a commercial bank / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // Herald of the Carpathian University, Economics Series. – Issue 10. – 2014. – P.187-195. Dmytryshyn L.I. Study of the phases of the diffusion process of household income forecasting / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Materials of the International Conference “Innovative Approaches and Modern Science”. – Kyiv: TsNP, 2015. – P. 81-83. Dmytryshyn L.I., Petryshak P.V. Research on the relationship between country risk factors and the efficiency of logistics networks. Current scientific goals , approaches and challenges : III International Scientific and Theoretical Conference (Riga, Republic of Latvia, January 17, 2025). SCIENTIA, International Center for Scientific Research, 2025. pp. 37-40. URL : https://previous.scientia.report/index.php/archive/issue/view/17.01.2025 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University: 2001-2003 – assistant of the department of economic cybernetics; 2003-2014 – associate professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics; 2014-2017 – professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics; 2017 and now – the head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics. E-mail: lesia.dmytryshyn@pnu.edu.ua Phone: +380342-55-32-32 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Dmytryshyn L.I. Formation of management strategies of the banking system of Ukraine / L.I. Dmytryshyn, I.I. Blagun – Ivano-Frankivsk: V.P. Suprun, 2016. – 212 p.
Dmytryshyn L.I. The genesis of approaches to the identification of financial innovations / L.I. Dmytryshyn, S.I. Blagun // Modeling of the behavior of economic subjects in the conditions of a changing market environment: collection. monogr. / Ed. dr. economy Sciences, Prof. V.S. Ponomarenko, Dr. economy Sciences, Prof. T.S. Klebanova. – Berdyansk, Publisher Tkachuk A.V., 2016. – P. 128-138.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Modern technologies for assessing bank operational risks and their allocation by business units / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // Modeling of management processes in the information economy: Monograph / Ed. V.S. Ponomarenko, T.S. Klebanova. – Kh., 2017. – P. 196-207.
L.I. Dmytryshyn Formation of the structure of agricultural production in the regions: theory and practice / L.I. Dmytryshyn, B.S. Brinzei. – Ivano-Frankivsk: Yaryna, 2019. – 220 p.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Analysis and substantiation of indicators for measuring inequality in income distribution / I.S. Blahun, L.I. Dmytryshyn // Current economic problems. – Kyiv, 2013. – No. 4(142). – P. 192-201. http://eco-science.net/archive2013/251–4142.html(in Scopus)
Dmytryshyn L.I. Spatial interpretation of the potential of regional competitiveness based on the gravity model / I.S. Blahun, L.I. Dmytryshyn, A.V. Katsedan // Actual problems of economics. – 2014. – No. 8 (158). – P. 411-418. http://eco-science.net/archive2014/320–8158.html(in Scopus)
Dmytryshyn L. A Methodological Approach To Development And Optimization A Set Of Parameters For A Company’s Creditworthiness Evaluating / Dmytryshyn L., Blahun I. // Economic journal. – 2014. – No. 7-8 (2). – P. 52-55. http://soskin.info/en/ea/2014/7-8/contents_40.html(in Scopus)
Dmytryshyn L. The role and place of competitiveness in regional tourism management / L. Dmytryshyn, T. Pavliuk // Austrian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2014. – No. 9-10. – R. 294-297.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Development of a mechanism for the formation of strategies for managing the banking system of Ukraine / L.I. Dmytryshyn, I.I. Blagun // Business Inform. – Kharkiv, 2014. – No. 11. – P. 238-245.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Spatial model of unification and competition in the regional tourism sector / L.I. Dmytryshyn, T.D. Pavlyuk // Problems of economics. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 335-340.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Improvement of the processes of managing the sustainability of the development of the regional economy using neurofuzzy technologies / L.I. Dmytryshyn, I.M. Romankiv // Business Inform. – Kharkiv, 2015. – No. 4. – P. 67-77.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Content analysis of the bank’s economic capital / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // European Journal of Economics and Management. – 2016. – Vol. 1 – Issue 1. – P. 7-16.
Dmytryshyn L. A model for achieving the allocative efficiency of credit resources in Ukraine’s banking system / Dmytryshyn L., Blahun I. // Banks and Bank Systems, Volume 11, Issue 3, 2016, P. 6-14. http://businessperspectives.org/component/option,com_journals/task,issue/id,361/jid,6/Itemid,74/(in Scopus)
Dmytryshyn L. Regional aspects of development and financing peculiarities of agriculture in Ukraine / L. Dmytryshyn, B. Brynzei // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – 2016. – Vol. 2. – No. 4. – P.29-34.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Spatial-structural analysis of the efficiency of agricultural production in the regions / L.I. Dmytryshyn, B.S. Brynzey // Problems of economy. – Kharkiv, 2016. – No. 4. – P. 244-253.
Dmytryshyn L. Simulative model for evaluation of investment processes in the regions of Ukraine / I. Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. – 2017. – No. 14(3), 322-329. doi:http://10.21511/imfi.14(3-2).2017.032016. https://businessperspectives.org/journals/investment-management-and-financial-innovations/issue-259/simulative-model-for-evaluation-of-investment-processes-in-the-regions-of-ukraine (in Scopus , Web of Science)
Dmytryshyn L. Cognitive approach to analysis of investment attractiveness of the regions / I. Blahun, L. Dmytryshyn, H. Leshuk // Scientific Bulletin of Polissia. – Chernihiv: ChNTU, 2017. – No. 4(12). – Part 1. – P. 171-176. (in Web of Science)
Dmytryshyn L.I. Rating assessment of the development of the knowledge economy in the regions of Ukraine / L.I. Dmytryshyn, V.V. Bushynska // Problems of economy. – 2017. – No. 3. – P. 145-152.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Modeling the assessment of the bank’s economic capital as an integral measure of the magnitude of accepted operational risks / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // Bulletin of the Khmelnytskyi National University, Economic Sciences Series. – 2017. – No. 1. – P. 39-43.
Dmytryshyn L. Spatial differentiation of regions of Ukraine concerning the economy of knowledge / L. Dmytryshyn, V. Bushynska // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – 2017. – Vol. 3. – No. 1. – R.31-35.
Dmytryshyn L. Implementation of the model of operational risk based on the AMA approach and assessment of the economic capital bank / L. Dmytryshyn, O. Kushnir // Fundamentalis scientiam. – – Vol. 5 – P. 30-35.
Dmytryshyn L. Innovations as a priority factor of the regional economic development / L. Dmytryshyn, O. Zvarych // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies. – Latvia, 2018. – Vol. 4 – Issue. 2 – P. 70-77. (in Web of Science)
Dmytryshyn L.I. Methodical bases of the study of factors of competitiveness of tourism business in the regions / L.I. Dmytryshyn, T.D. Pavlyuk // Bulletin of the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute. Economic sciences. – 2014. Issue 4(56). – P.112-119.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Analysis of interregional differences in household income distribution / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Bulletin of KhNU. Economic sciences. – Khmelnytskyi, 2015. – No. 2. T.1. – P. 230-236.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Formation of a decision-making support system for managing the sustainability of regional economic development / L.I. Dmytryshyn, I.M. Romankiv // Bulletin of the Prykarpatsky University, Economics Series. – Issue 11. – 2015. – P. 25-33.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Modern approaches to predicting financial crises. Modeling of the regional economy. 2017. 2(30). 24-34.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Optimizing the production structure of enterprises of the forestry complex / L.I. Dmytryshyn, V.V. Leskiv // Modeling of the regional economy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. – No. 1 (31). – P. 3-11.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Infospace as a tool for expanding the boundaries of cooperation in the region / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Modeling of the regional economy. – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. – No. 1 (31). – pp. 30-41.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Consequences of the financial crisis for the real sector of the economy in the countries of the world. Modeling of the regional economy. 2018. 2(32). 165-173.
Dmytryshyn L.I. The role and significance of bank economic capital management / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in the Economy”. – Chernivtsi, 2015. – P. 12-14.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Forecasting indicators of financial activity of enterprises / L.I. Dmytryshyn, M.M. Vasylov // Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific and Methodological Conference “Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in the Economy”. – Chernivtsi, 2015. – P. 18-21.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Scenario forecasting of socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference “Social and Economic Development of Ukraine and its Regions: Problems of Science and Practice”. – Kharkiv, 2015. – P. 26-28.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Cartographic study of factors of regional competitiveness // L.I. Dmytryshyn, A.V. Katsedan // Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Competitiveness of the Ukrainian Economy in the Process of Globalization”. – Zaporizhzhia: Zaporizhia National Technical University, 2015. – P.15-18.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Analysis of approaches to building a bank’s economic capital model / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.S. Kushnir // Materials of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference “Mechanisms, strategies, models and technologies of management of economic systems under the conditions of integration processes: theory, methodology, practice”. – Khmelnytskyi: Khmelnytskyi National University, 2015. – P.183-185.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Methodical aspects of forming the concept of economic development of the region / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.I. Zvarych // Corporate governance: strategies, processes, technologies: materials of the International Scientific Conference (Kaunas, Lithuania, October 20, 2017) – Kaunas, 2017. C. 148-150.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Evaluation of the competitiveness of regions in the context of the use of human capital / L.I. Dmytryshyn, O.I. Zvarych // Economics and management: modern transformations in the era of globalization (Klaipeda, Lithuania, March 23, 2018) – Klaipeda, 2018. – P. 231-235.
Dmytryshyn L.I. Evolution of the goals of sustainable development of the region / L.I. Dmytryshyn // Sustainable development of Prykarpattia in the context of globalization processes: materials of the regional scientific and practical conference (Ivano-Frankivsk, May 17, 2018) – Ivano-Frankivsk, 2018. – P. 6-10.