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Professor, Doctor of Economics,
Professor of Economic Cybernetics |
2000–2005 – Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, specialty “Mathematics”, higher education,
2005-2007 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, Institute of Postgraduate and Pre-University Education, specialty “Accounting and Auditing”, higher education
Postgraduate studies:
2005-2008 Stefanyk Precarpathian National University,
08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics
Certification training:
2009 – defense of the candidate’s dissertation on the topic “Modeling of stochastic processes of the stock market” in the specialty 08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics at Kharkiv National Economic University. S. Kuznets;
2015 – planned scientific internship at the Ivano-Frankivsk Educational and Scientific Institute of Management of Ternopil National Economic University at the Department of Higher Mathematics;
2019 – defense of a doctoral dissertation on “Spectral methods for studying the behavior of stock market volatility” in the specialty 08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technology in economics at the Precarpathian National University. V. Stefanika ”;
Professional activity:
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University:
2006-2009 – Assistant of the Department of Economic Cybernetics;
2009-2019 – Associate Professor of Economic Cybernetics;
2019 and currently – Professor of Economic Cybernetics;
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. The Evaluation of Derivatives of Double Barrier Options of the Bessel Processes by Methods of Spectral Analysis, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2017, Vol. 14, Issue 3, pp. 126–134. (Scopus)
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. Spectral study of options based on CEV model with multidimensional volatility. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2018,15(1), 18-25. doi:21511/imfi.15(1).2018.03 (Scopus)
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. Taylor expansion for derivative securities pricing as a precondition for strategic market decisions. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018, 16(1), 224-231. doi:10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.22. (Scopus)
- Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A. Application of the spectral theory and perturbation theory to the study of Ornstein-Uhlenbesck processes. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2018, 10 (2), 273–287. doi:10.15330/cmp.10.2.273-287. (WoS)
- Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A On the Fundamental Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Kolmogorov Systems of the Second Order.Ukrainian Mathematical Journal.Volume 70, Issue 8, 1 January 2019, 1275-1287. DOI: 1007/s11253-018-1568-y(Scopus, WoS)
- Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A. Construction of the fundamental solution of a class of degenerate parabolic equations of high order. // Carpathian Math. Publ. 2020, 12 (1), 79-87.doi:10.15330/cmp.12.1.79-87
- Burtnyak I. V., Malytska H. P. Degenerate parabolic systems of the diffusion type with inertia // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 249, No. 3, 2020. DOI:10.1007/s10958-020-04947-2
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska A. Derivative Pricing: Predictive Analytics Methods and Models // Proceedings of the Workshop on the XIІI International Scientific Practical Conference Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling (MPSESM-W 2021). 2021, 83-93.
- Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A. A On the Fundamental Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Kolmogorov Systems of the Second Order. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal.Volume 70, Issue 8, 1 January 2019.
- Burtnyak І.V. Malytska A. Construction of the fundamental solution of a class of degenerate parabolic equations of high order. // Carpathian Math. Publ. 2020, 12 (1), 79-87. https://doi.org/15330/cmp.12.1.79-87
- Burtnyak I. V., Malytska H. P. Degenerate parabolic systems of the diffusion type with inertia // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 249, No. 3, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10958-020-04947-2
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska A., Gvozdytskyi V. Modelling of the derivatives pricing with multifactor volatility // Proceedings of the Workshop on the XII International Scientific Practical Conference Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling (MPSESM-W 2020). 2020, 92-108.
- Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska A. Derivative Pricing: Predictive Analytics Methods and Models // Proceedings of the Workshop on the XIІI International Scientific Practical Conference Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling (MPSESM-W 2021). 2021, 83-93.
- Burtnyak І.V. Application of symmetric analytic functions to spectra of linear operators. // Carpathian Math. Publ. 2021,13 (3), 701–710. https://doi.org/10.15330/cmp.13.3.701-710
- V. Burtnyak, Yu.Yu. Chopyuk, S.I. Vasylyshyn, T.V. Vasylyshyn, Algebras of weakly symmetric functions on spaces of Lebesgue measurable functions , Carpathian Mathematical Publications: Vol. 15 No. 2 (2023) https://doi.org/10.15330/cmp.15.2.411-419
- Zagorodnyuk, A., Burtnyak, I., Kravtsiv, V. Symmetric and Supersymmetric Polynomials and Their Applications in the Blockchain Technology and Neural Networks Proceedings – 2023 IEEE World Conference on Applied Intelligence and Computing, AIC 2023, 2023, pp. 508–513 https://doi.org/1109/AIC57670.2023.10263936
1) Conducting lectures and practical classes in the disciplines “Introduction to the specialty”, “Higher Mathematics”, “Statistics for Economists”, “Economic Cybernetics”, etc .; development of educational and methodical content for lectures, practical and laboratory classes.
2) Supervision of master’s and bachelor’s theses in Economics.
3) Preparation for participation in scientific conferences of students majoring in Economics.
1) Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 20.051.12 in SHEI “Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk” of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses in specialties 08.00.05 “Development of productive forces and regional economy”, 08.00.11 Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics “.
2) Co-organizer of the XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Modern problems of modeling of socio-economic systems. April 8-9, 2021 Kharkiv, – KhNEU named after S. Kuznets
3) Implementation of organizational and educational activities among students majoring in Economics, Faculty of Economics.
Ukrainian, English.