Blahun Ivan

Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine,

Dean of the Faculty of Economics



Personal InformationMain publicationsActivityContacts

Education: 1976-1981

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, majoring in “Economic Cybernetics”.

Postgraduate studies:

Lviv Ivan Franko National University

The topic of the candidate’s thesis: “Optimization of industrial relations in the forest industry complex of the Carpathian region”, 1988

Research supervisor – associate professor, Candidate of Economic Sciences Roman Volodymyrovych Dombrovskyi

Doctoral studies:

Ivan Franko Lviv National University,

08.00.11 – mathematical methods, models and information technologies in the economy

Professional activity:

Prykarpattia National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk

Head of the Department of Economic Cybernetics

since 2013 – dean of the Faculty of Economics

1. Blahun I. S. Assessment of the efficiency of commercial banks using the DEA method. Business Inform. 2020. No. 11. P. 192-197.
2. Blahun I. S., Burtnyak I. V. Models of analysis and assessment of bank activities in an unstable economic environment. Bulletin of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic Sciences Series. 2020. Issue 4. P. 41-45.
3. Blahun I. S., Burtnyak I. V. Modeling the efficiency of bank functioning using financial flows. Bulletin of Khmelnytskyi National University. Economic Sciences Series. 2020. Issue 4. P. 51-57.
4. Blahun I. S., Blahun I. I. The Relationship Between World and Local Stock Indices. Montenegrin Journal of Economics. 2020. 16 (1). P. 41-53
5. Blahun I.S., Blahun I.I., Blahun S.I. Assessing the stability of the banking system based on fuzzy logic methods. Banks and Bank Systems. 2020. 15(3). P. 171-183.
6. Blahun I.S. The circular economy model as one of the trends of sustainable development. Business Inform. 2021. №12. P. 124-132.
7. Blahun I.S., Romanyuk M.D., Suduk N.V., Mendela E.M. Ensuring sustainable development of Ukraine and countries of the world based on the correction of linear economy models. Business Inform. 2022. No. 1. P. 95-101.
8. Blahun I.S., Nastyoshin S.E. Assessment of the effectiveness of leasing as a means of updating fixed assets of an enterprise. Business Inform. 2022. No. 9. P. 108-113.
9. Blahun I.S., Mendela E.M. Circular model of development of the timber industry complex of Ukraine. Scientific perspectives: journal. 2022. No. 11(29). P. 114-127. DOI:
10. Blahun I.S., Mendela E.M. Genesis of approaches to modeling the economic development of the forest industry complex. Ukrainian Journal of Applied Economics and Technology. Western Ukrainian National University. 2022. No. 3. P. 38-46. DOI:
11. Blahun I.S., Nadvirnyanskyi Yu.R. Model of economic analysis of international trade between Ukraine and the EU. Business Inform. 2022. No. 11. P. 76-81.
12. Blahun I.S., Nadvirnyanskyi Yu.R. Application of gravity models for the analysis of trade between Ukraine and the EU. Business Inform. 2022. №12. P. 140-145.
13. Blahun I., Kukurudz R. Interactive model of partnership development based on behavioral determinants of relationships. Modeling the development of the economic systems. 2022. (4), 56-62.
14. Blahun I.S., Hryniv V.M., Ivasyshyn M.O. Stimulating the effective use of the economic potential of the region. Business Inform. 2023. No. 10. P. 95-101.
15. Blahun I.S., Nastyoshyn S.E. Leasing as a tool for investing in energy-efficient technologies. Effective Economy. 2023. No. 3. DOI:

16. Blahun I.S., Rumyantseva I.B. Analysis of current trends in the development of tourism in Ukraine in crisis conditions. Věda a perspektivy. 2024. No. 2(33). P.56-65.
17. Blahun I.S. Research on factors influencing the implementation of blockchain technologies in the logistics sector. Economy and Society. 2024. (70).
18. Blahun I.S., Kukurudz R. Analysis of models of partnership relations between enterprises. Sustainable development of the economy. 2024. No. 3(50). P. 445-451.
19. Blahun I.S., Kukurudz R. Models of long-term orientation in relationships between partners in the market. Economy and Society. 2024. (66). URL:


1. Blahun I.S. Modeling and forecasting of socio-economic systems: monograph. Ivano-Frankivsk: Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 2024. 292 p.


1. Blahun I.S., Kichor V.P., Selyuchenko N.E. Economic forecasting: theoretical and applied aspects: textbook. Lviv: Rastr-7, 2020. 290 p.
2. Statistical analysis and modeling of socio-economic objects and processes: textbook / I.S. Blahun, V.P. Kichor, D.I. Skvortsov, R.V. Feschur, S.I. Blahun; ed. Kichora V.P. Lviv: Rastr-7, 2022. 400 p. ISBN 978-617-7997-99-2


1) Disciplines “System Analysis in Economics”, “Circular Economics”, “Modeling the Banking System”.

2) Scientific consulting of Doctors of Science, scientific supervision of Doctors of Philosophy, supervision of Master’s and Bachelor’s theses in the specialty of Economics.


1) Dean of the Faculty of Economics/

2) Head of the Specialized Academic Council D 20.051.12  for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in the specialties 08.00.05 “Development of Productive Forces and Regional Economy”, 08.00.11 “Mathematical Methods, Models and Information Technologies in Economics”.

3) Head of one-time specialized councils for the defense of Doctor of Philosophy.

4) Co-organizer of All-Ukrainian and International Scientific and Practical Conferences.


Ukrainian, Polish.